’La Mata’ |
’Las Hazuelas’ |
’El Calderito Alto’ |
Specifications | See trial
Location: ’Las Hazuelas’ Research Centre (Córdoba).
Areae: 26 ha
Type: Irrigated and rainfed
Planting date: Winter 2018
Varieties included in the trial: 100: 38 obtained in the first crossing stage + 34 from the second crossing stage + a selection of 28 traditional varieties with which they are compared. -
At the “Las Hazuelas” Research Centre there are two Improvement trials: a full irrigated trial and a part of the second replication of the rainfed Improvement trial carried out at ‘Calderito Alto’.
In both (rainfed and irrigated) a total of 72 new varieties are massively evaluated: 38 obtained in the 1st stage of the Genetic Improvement Programme and 34 from the 2nd crossing stage, which are compared with an international selection of 28 varieties.
These 100 varieties are arranged in 100 rows and each row includes trees of a single variety.